Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Richest Caveman

Doug Batchelor is an excellent example of the pendulum effect. Batchelor was born to wealthy, influential parents. He grew up a rather undisciplined boy, living life to the fullest, if you know what I mean. From that end of the pendulum, he swung to the other end as a result of time spent in a cave in the desert of Southern California. He wrote about the cave experience in his book, "The Richest Caveman."
In the cave, Batchelor found a Bible, which would thereafter become his primary means of earning a living. Batchelor became a Seventh-day Adventist pastor and eventually the head honcho of Amazing Facts, which recently made news by merging with Weimar Institute.*

In the cave, he was often naked. He now wears suits. In the cave, he had long hair. He now enjoys a more polished look. How the pendulum swings!

*Faulty information corrected thanks to "lmerklin". Batchelor was incorrectly listed as founder of Amazing Facts, when in fact it has been around since 1966 - Amazing!


Unknown said...

Hi! Enjoyed the link from Spectrum. Just wanted to mention that Amazing Facts existed before Doug. It was started (in NJ, I think) by Joe Crews.

Veggieburger Network said...

Thanks for the correction. I'll note that in the blog.

beckywcs said...

This was quite funny, especially the descriptions and the comparisons of Abe Lincoln + Smeagol with J. Bates and Colonel Sanders with J. Kellog. Your caricature of Wintley is one of the best.

How about doing Chuck Scriven?