Friday, June 27, 2008

Julius Nam

Julius Nam teaches Adventist History at Loma Linda University. Among many other things. He is a Korean-American pastor turned educator, and ministered in Korea, Michigan, and California before entering the world of Adventist Academia.

The best way to describe Julius Nam in two words is "Progressive Adventist", which happens to be the title of a blog that he maintains. Well, almost. The blog is entitled Progressive Adventism.

Nam helped organize the 50 year reunion party for the Questions on Doctrine conference, which if you are an Adventist, and have lived in the last 50 years, is a big deal. Whether you are aware of it or not.


  1. Don't know if I deserve to be here, but this is the funnest blog I've seen in a long while.

    My son, Ansel, says the caricature looks better than me!

    Happy Sabbath!

  2. Of course no one really deserves to be made into a caricature. But you certainly deserve a spot among the prominent Adventists of today.

    Ansel is either very kind...or unkind depending on how one looks at things.

  3. Great site! I'm definitely bookmarking this one.
