Saturday, October 18, 2008

Adventist Celebrity Look-alikes

Alonzo T. Jones, Adventist pioneer who emphasized grace over law keeping in 1888 and Wyatt Earp, law enforcer of the Wild West. Pastor Doug Batchelor, former caveman and President of Amazing Facts and Mr. Potato HeadJohn Harvey Kellogg, Advenist health foods manufacturer and founder of Kellogg's Foods and Harland David Sanders (aka Colonel Sanders), an entrepreneur and founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken Both the Colonel and Kellogg liked birds apparently, though perhaps for different reasons Rachel Oakes Preston, a pioneering Sabbatarian and Woman from the Great Depression Samuele Bacchiocchi, Adventist theologian and author and Sam the Eagle, a MuppetJohn N. Andrews, SDA pioneer and missionary and John Muir, naturalist and conservationistJohn Lomacang, Adventist recording artist and Prince, non-Adventist recording Artist Jose Rojas, Director of Volunteer Ministries and Cousin Pepe from Sesame Street Ned Flanders of the Simpsons and Pastor Dwight K. Nelson of Pioneer Memorial Church.

Hat tip to DC in Sweden for the Flanders / Nelson comparison!


  1. You realize that the 'non-adventist recording artist' Prince was ONCE an adventist, right?
