Sunday, October 31, 2010

Adventists to Sue Stewart/Colbert for Holding Rally on Sabbath

SILVER SPRING - Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert held their Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear  Saturday, and Adventists are hopping mad.

Jeltza Nimble of the Adventist-run Center for Secular and Postmodern Studies in Silver Spring explains the ire this way:

"First of all, Jon Stewart, being Jewish, should know better than to hold a rally on Sabbath. We have been studying secular and postmodern people in America for a really long time now, and I can tell you that most of them were at this rally on Saturday. But the problem, and it was a glaring injustice, is that all the secular and postmodern Seventh-day Adventists were unable to go to this rally because it was held on Sabbath. And the one thing we know from our study of secular and postmodern Seventh-day Adventists is that they will not break the Sabbath, even for an event like this one!"

Nimble asserted that Stewart and Colbert's decision to hold the rally on a Saturday constitutes a "clear cut case of religious discrimination against all sabbatarians," and noted that over 10,000 Adventists living in the Washington D.C. metroplex would have likely attended the rally had it been held on a Wednesday evening.

Jackson Billamy, a 27 year old member of the Tacoma Park Seventh-day Adventist Church agrees.
"I would gladly have skipped the Wednesday night prayer meeting to attend the 'Restore Sanity' rally, but there is no way I'm going to miss church on Sabbath to be there. I feel like Adventists were really marginalized on this one."

Adventist Association of Religion Liberties Directors spokeswoman Patricia Frankstein says that a lawsuit will be brought against Comedy Central comedians Stewart and Colbert for the discriminatory rally. "We feel we have a solid case, and we intend to pursue it vigorously," Frankstein said in a press release.

Nimble told the GRAPEVINE that a rally against religious discrimination against Sabbath keepers is being planned for Saturday, November 27 on the National Mall in the nation's capitol. The march is tentatively being called the March to Restore Saturday, and will feature speeches from numerous religious liberty representatives, both Adventist and non-Adventist. A spokesperson for the event estimates that at least 500,000 people of faith will attend the event, "including many Jews."

Comdey Central did not respond to the GRAPEVINE's requests for comment.

*And remember, it doesn't matter whether it's true or not if you read it on the Internets!


  1. Oops! I saw a few familiar faces at the rally - better excommunicate them right now as an example to any other would-be Sabbath-breakers!

  2. I think that you will find the spokesperson people in this story to be in agreement with you that it is better to put down this Sabbath-breaking to send a statement and to create a united front. It should be obvious to anybody who reads this article that Adventists cannot and will not tolerate violation of our right to attend rallies!

  3. is this for real? are these people crazy?

  4. 1) Stewart and Colbert are not funny...they are rather boring and one sided. And...
    2) You are not funny. Sorry.
    3) ?

  5. What an absolutely PATHETIC Blog.

    I am so much more proud to be a Seventh-Day Adventist now that I have seen this on the Internet.

    It demonstrates the true colors of those who have no Biblical support for their positions and thus what they feel it necessary to resort to because of it.

    I would enable Comment Moderation too, if I were you. You cant afford to have anyone posting the truth about what the Bible teaches here, you'd have to delete it.

    Ellen White, HST November 1, 1841, Art. 5, p. 117.5 There are evidently many who agree with us in the main, who through a false pride, and a fear of being identified with those who receive the scoffs and sneers of pulpit and press, withhold their own convictions, and are disciples secretly for fear of “the jeers.”

    But of those who call themselves “Christians,” to you, my brethren, let me say, how can you stand by and see the truth trodden into the mire: see this glorious subject scoffed at and ridiculed, and make no effort to support the cause? Doth not your heart bleed, when you see the vile and wicked course our enemies take to slander, defame and ridicule, what they can never refute, by fair reasoning? We have fallen upon strange times, my brethren. Our enemies, although professing to be Godly men many of them, yet they use no weapon but misrepresentation, ridicule and abuse. It is, therefore, our duty to use every means the truth will warrant, to give light to the world, and withhold not the gifts and powers which God has put into our hands, for fear of the ridicule of those who, according to their profession, ought to be co-workers together with us. True, our lot has fallen to us in a time of slander; but this may be in the wisdom of God, to try our courage and our faith, and we cannot expect to win the prize or obtain the crown, while we are men-pleasers, or when we barter away our faith to shun reproach. I know many of those who have heard and read our views of the second advent, and for a season, were apparently with us, have now become cold and lifeless. This must not discourage us. The apostles found the same trial and difficulty in the day of miracles, “They went out from us,” and shall we who live in this day of division and the “scattering of the holy people,” in the very day when we have been told “the love of many should wax cold,” and “iniquity should abound,” in a day which all the prophets have foretold, would be a day of trouble, shall we, I say, complain; or shall we desert and betray our Master, or his cause, for fear or fame. No, my brethren. I am determined, God being my helper, to let the vile abuse of our enemies pass by me unheeded, and proclaim what I believe to be the will of God concerning this thing."

    Go ahead, delete this.

  6. Wow, Claudia!
    It's scary how well you understand this blog. You have provided such a cutting critique that I think I'll have to quit blogging now.
