Prominent Seventh-day Adventists and their celebrity lookalikes
Doug Batchelor, Speaker / Director of Amazing Facts and his stunt double

Don C. Schneider, President of the North American Division of SDAs and Cartman from South Park

David Asscherick, Adventist minister / evangelist and Nedly Neilsworth the nerdy kid

Don McLafferty, Childrens Ministries guy at the Collegedale SDA Church and Daniel Stern, the bad guy from the Home Alone movie

John Byington, Adventist minister and first president of the General Conference of SDAs and Captain Ahab of Moby Dick

Lloyd Mallory, Jr. Music Minister at the Sligo Adventist Church and Cedric the Entertainer, actor

Ellen G. White, Adventist pioneer and prolific writer and Lunch Lady Doris from the Simpsons

Hyveth Williams, Senior Pastor of the Campus Hill Church in Loma Linda and Janice the Muppet

Angel M. Rodriguez, President of the Adventist Biblical Research Institute and Yoda, Jedi master from Star Wars

Clifton Davis, Adventist pastor and actor and Denzel Washington, actor

James White, Adventist pioneer and Charles Darwin, naturalist and author

John Nixon, Senior Pastor Collegedale SDA Church and the Albino from The Princess Bride

Gerald Penick, President of Southeastern California Conference and The Rock, professional wrestler-turned-actor.

Goodloe H. Bell, Adventist pioneering educator and a broom.

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