Well it was only a matter of time before someone who cares about this sort of thing noticed that the Caricatures of Adventists banner contained something that looked pretty similar to the SDA Church logo.

I received an email message from Dionne A. Parker, legal counsel for the GC, informing me that while she is not offering any opinion about the content of the blog, she does have to request that I remove the offending image. Sad news is that I'll have to remove that lovely banner that I spent a lot of time making.
But seriously now folks, is the Adventist Church's logo, identity, mission, message to the world, etc. really in danger of being diluted by my image? I didn't think so, but obviously my thoughts on the matter are secondary to the thoughts of the legal counsel. Oh well. New banner on the way that will not water down the church's logo.
In other news this week, I finally received some negative feedback! The response to this blog (by those who have bothered to comment) has been quite positive. But I have JoAnn to thank for bringing me back to earth. At the Spectrum blog, JoAnn responded to my mention of a caricature of Doug Batchelor and Neil Nedley (Amazing Facts + Weimar). She said:
"Caricature as an encouragement? Wierd. 'Adventists of many faces' by a man of many faces? I understand backhanded compliments -- remember, I have been in public school teaching for over 30 years with union tactics aplenty which included caricatures to push their viewpoints about administration/parents/government/conservatives in a 'I am nice' way portraying caricatures as "nice." Caricatures are not nice."
She then went on to say,
"Caricatures are like acid -- not good for digestion. An entire site devoted to indigestion. That's a wow. I may have to go to Weimar for help with the indigestion -- and take Amazing Facts training while I'm there. Sounds fun to me. My nephew, who has found the Adventist health message a great help, wants to vacation at Weimar. He is a dirt biker who could lift most Adventists with one arm. So, new people are coming in with more zeal than those who have been in the church for centuries -- hum, that sentence . . . seems like I have seen it somewhere before . . .
JoAnn ;)"
The thing that impressed me most about JoAnn's comments was how caricaturish they were. "An entire site devoted to indigestion..." A wonderful caricature of this blog! A dirt-biking nephew that can lift most Adventists with one arm? That's a great caricature!
See, everyone loves a good caricature. I guess that's the good news!